Category: Level 5: 4 – 5 years

  • Letter Hide & Seek

    Your Child Will Learn

    To identify letter sounds in the middle of words.

    Here’s What to Do

    1.  Think of familiar 3-letter words with a vowel in the middle. Examples: cup, kid, top, nap, bus, pen, fox, get, cat, dog, etc.
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  • My Alphabet Book

    Your Child Will Learn

    To recognize most letters and know the sounds they make.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Create a 27-page booklet with standard-size paper. Write “My Alphabet Book” on the cover, and write the capital and lowercase letters at
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  • My Voice Playlist

    Your Child Will Learn

    To vary tone and volume when communicating in different contexts.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child to think of a song, nursery rhyme, or story they know really well. Tell them you’re going to record
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  • Make-Your-Own Concentration Game

    Your Child Will Learn

    Use working memory to match images that are the same

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child to create multiple sets of 2 drawings that are the same image on small squares of paper (we suggest
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  • Child Friendly Yoga

    Your Child Will Learn

    A way to calm and stretch their bodies 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Find an open space with room to move.
    2. Do the Spaghetti Test: wiggle your child’s arms and legs to make sure they’re relaxed, like
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  • Relax My Body

    Your Child Will Learn

    A relaxation technique to prepare for sleep

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child to make their toes still, and say “Goodnight toes!”
    2. Continue naming body parts in order: toes, feet, legs and all the way
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  • Happiness Boost Cards

    Your Child Will Learn

    A way to add a little more joy into their daily routine

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Together with your child, brainstorm some very short activities that make them happy. Some examples:
      • Give a hug
      • Smile big
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  • Signs of Affirmation

    Your Child Will Learn

    A positive way to start or end their day

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Together with your child, brainstorm an affirmation to repeat each day. An affirmation is a short, positive phrase. Examples:
      • I have a big
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  • ABC (Apple, Beet, Carrot) Juice

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to prepare and enjoy a healthy food

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather and wash your ingredients (1 apple, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 1 lime, optional small piece of fresh ginger). 
    2. Peel the beet, carrot, and
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  • Let’s Make a Tortilla!

    Your Child Will Learn

    Trying foods that are important to my family / Trying foods that are important to other cultures

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Pour an entire 2.2 lb. bag of masa harina into a large bowl. Add 2
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