Category: Level 5: 4 – 5 years

  • Community History Expert

    Your Child Will Learn

    More about where they live and how it has changed over time

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Together with your child, brainstorm someone you know who has lived in your community for a long time. It could
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  • Make Believe Jobs

    Your Child Will Learn

    About community jobs and money

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child if they’d like to play bus driver, restaurant, or store.
    2. Set up your props. Examples:
      • Bus: place chairs or pillows in a rectangle for
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  • Neighborhood Portrait

    Your Child Will Learn

    To notice features of the place where they live

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Take a walk or drive around your community with a piece of paper and drawing supplies.
    2. Ask your child to choose what part
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  • Piggy Bank

    Your Child Will Learn

    About coins and saving money

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Find an empty container that can be repurposed as a “Piggy Bank.” It could be an empty tissue box, a clean food container, a jar, etc.. Together
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  • Map My Day

    Your Child Will Learn

    Map making and how to get places they need to go

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Talk with your child about their schedule for tomorrow. Mention the places they need to go, and in what order.
    2. Help
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  • World Dance Party

    Your Child Will Learn

    People around the world enjoy special music from their cultures, and dancing to that music is fun!

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Using the internet, find music from all around the world. Search songs from your family’s
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  • Heritage Tree Leaf

    Your Child Will Learn

    About their family and their family’s culture and traditions

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Talk about your family:
      • People in your family
      • Traditions in your family
      • Language(s) your family speaks
      • Culture(s) your family belongs to
      • Things your
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  • Natural Mosaic Moods

    Your Child Will Learn

    Mosaic art is an image made of smaller pieces

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Fold a piece of paper into 4 equal parts
    2. Give your child a pencil and ask them to draw a face that represents
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  • Paint Your Feelings

    Your Child Will Learn

    Colors can represent how we feel 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child to think about how colors represent different feelings; follow their lead even if their thoughts about colors and feelings are unusual
    2. Display 3-4
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  • Sock Puppet Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    Create a puppet with art materials

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Give your child an old sock and color markers to create a sock puppet
    2. While your child is working, create your own sock puppet alongside them 
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