Category: Level 4: 3 – 4 years
Sock Puppet Play
Your Child Will Learn
Create a puppet with art materials
Here’s What to Do
- Give your child an old sock and color markers to create a sock puppet
- While your child is working, create your own sock puppet alongside them
Cut Paper Collage
Your Child Will Learn
Cut paper with scissors to create an artistic collage
Here’s What to Do
- Give your child 5-6 strips of colored paper
- Discuss and model the safe use of scissors
- Demonstrate using the scissors to cut the
Paper Mache Bowl
Your Child Will Learn
Use paper mache sculpture to create a bowl
Here’s What to Do
- Mix 1 part water, 1 part flour, and 2 tablespoons of liquid white glue in a bowl until the consistency is similar to pancake
Paint A Cityscape
Your Child Will Learn
Use art materials and imagination to create a city
Here’s What to Do
- Collect recycled cardboard
- Flatten the cardboard and tape a few pieces side-by-side to construct a long surface
- Give your child paint to create
Fingerprint Art
Your Child Will Learn
Create art using their fingerprint as a tool
Here’s What to Do
- Use watercolor paints or colored ink pads for this activity
- Help your child dip a finger into the watercolor paint or press their finger
Photo Puzzle
Your Child Will Learn
Here’s What to Do
- Print a photo of your child in as a 5×7 or 8x 10
- Cut the photo into strips or geometric shapes to create a puzzle of no more than 10 pieces
- Work
Nature Collage
Your Child Will Learn
Art can be made with natural materials
Here’s What to Do
- Go on an outdoor walk and ask your child to collect natural materials, like leaves, grass, twigs, pebbles, flowers, weeds, acorns, pine needles, and etc.
Character Portrait
Your Child Will Learn
Create a painting for a favorite book character
Here’s What to Do
- Give your child paint and paper to create a portrait of their favorite book character
- Ask your child to paint the character’s face and