Category: Level 3: 19 – 36 months

  • Snack Subtraction

    Your Child Will Learn

    Introductory subtraction

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Put 5 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a plate and count them for your child (point as you count).
    2. Ask your child to remove 1 piece. Count how
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  • Snack Addition

    Check out Acelero Learning families trying this PEER activity at home!

    Snack Addition with Malikk

    Snack Addition with the Holloways

    Your Child Will Learn

    Introductory addition

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Put 6 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a
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  • Letters Around Us

    Your Child Will Learn

    Recognize letters in words that are seen in familiar places

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Plan a visit to a familiar place with letters and words in the environment, like a street in your neighborhood or a
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  • Paint Your Letter

    Your Child Will Learn

    To write the first letter of their name.

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Spread out newspaper or a tablecloth, and set up large pieces of paper to paint on. Put a small amount of non-toxic paint in
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  • Grocery Store Talk

    Your Child Will Learn

    To expand their vocabulary about the different types of food they eat

    Here’s What to Do

    1. While shopping at the grocery store, talk about the different sections of the store as you go through them.
    2. Ask
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  • Rhyme Finds

    Your Child Will Learn

    To enjoy repeating rhyming words and knowing words that rhyme

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather objects with names that rhyme (like: a toy cat and a hat, a toy car and a jar, a rag and
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