Category: Science and Inquiry

  • Fast and Slow

    Your Child Will Learn

    Words to describe speed

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Head to a playground or outdoor space where you can swing and move with your child.  You can do this activity with swings or infant scooters or even
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  • Kitchen Sensory Play

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to use all 5 senses to observe cooking ingredients

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose 3-5 ingredients in your kitchen that have different textures (examples: salt, sugar, rice, pasta, beans, lentils). Place each one in its
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  • Sprouting a Seed

    Your Child Will Learn

    How plants change as they grow and how to take care of a plant

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Use a spray bottle to dampen (but not soak) a paper towel. Place the paper towel inside of
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  • Magnet Predictions

    Your Child Will Learn

    The scientific process and an introductory understanding of magnets

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Find a magnet (like one from the fridge). Gather a bunch of small objects made out of different materials (examples: stones, shells, coins,
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  • Night Sky Journal

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to make and record scientific observations by drawing

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Before bedtime, head to a window with a view of the night sky (or head outside). Direct your child’s attention to the sky.
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  • Night Sky Noticing

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to observe and describe things in the world around them

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Before bedtime, head to a window with a view of the night sky (or head outside).
    2. Direct your child’s attention to
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  • Rolling Ramps

    Your Child Will Learn

    Exploring how ramps affect how an object moves

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather a flat surface to use as a ramp (like: a cardboard box, baking sheet, book, pillow) and a small ball or toy car.
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  • Balls in Motion

    Your Child Will Learn

    Exploring how balls move

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose two different types of balls and sit on the floor with your child.
    2. Roll the ball(s) in several types of ways. Examples:
      1. Roll the ball gently
      2. Roll
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  • Playground Physics

    Your Child Will Learn

    Exploring the effect of different forces on a ball

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather a few different types of balls (like: soccer ball, kickball, baseball, bouncy ball) and head outside to a wide open space.
    2. Mark
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  • What’s Inside

    Your Child Will Learn

    Observing different characteristics of non-living objects

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Without your child looking, gather objects from around the house made out of different materials (like: wood, metal, stone, cloth, plastic). Example objects: a wooden spoon,
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