Category: Learning for the Whole Family

  • Simon Says Stretch

    Your Child Will Learn

    That stretching their muscles is a fun way to care for their body 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather a few family members or friends together and choose a family member to be the first leader (aka
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  • Move Like an Animal

    Your Child Will Learn

    A fun way to move their body and build physical endurance

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather everyone in the family who wants to play. Ask a child to choose an animal whose movement you could copy.
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  • Freeze Dance

    Your Child Will Learn

    A fun way to engage in physical activity

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Play this game with as many children and adults as you’d like! Choose who is going to be the DJ (the music controller) to
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  • Playground Physics

    Your Child Will Learn

    Exploring the effect of different forces on a ball

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Gather a few different types of balls (like: soccer ball, kickball, baseball, bouncy ball) and head outside to a wide open space.
    2. Mark
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  • Nature Observation Walk

    Your Child Will Learn

    How to observe different characteristics of living things in nature

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Head outside to a park, backyard, or other green space.
    2. Ask your child to look for living things (like: plants, trees, grass,
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  • Playground Hide and Seek

    Your Child Will Learn

    Using positional words to understand the location of an object

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Bring a small toy to the playground.
    2. Ask your child to cover their eyes. Hide the toy somewhere on the playground. 
    3. Help
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  • Playground Hide and Seek

    Your Child Will Learn

    Using positional words to describe the location of an object

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Bring a small toy to the playground.
    2. Ask your child to hide the toy somewhere on the playground. Cover your eyes while
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  • Grocery Grouping

    Your Child Will Learn

    Sorting objects into two groups that have shared characteristics

    Here’s What to Do

    1. When you are unpacking groceries (or other items from shopping bags), ask your child to help sort the items.
    2. Choose two categories and
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  • Shape Bingo

    Your Child Will Learn

    Recognizing simple shapes in the real world

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Print out the bingo card PDF or draw the bingo card on a piece of paper. If playing with an older sibling, either make them
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  • Clean Up Countdown

    Your Child Will Learn

    Counting backwards from 10-0

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Pick something in your house that needs to be put away (like clothes into a drawer, crayons into a box, dishes into the dishwasher). Try to choose something
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