Category: Learning for the Whole Family

  • Create A Board Game

    Your Child Will Learn

    The logic involved in making a board game, counting

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Have several simple board games set up around the room (like Candyland, Chutes and Ladders). Invite families to play the games for 10
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  • My Family Tree

    Your Child Will Learn

    Names and roles of family members 

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child to name as many family members as they can. Write down people’s names as your child lists them.  Include any and all people
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  • School Family Quilt

    Your Child Will Learn

    About their family history and how their family fits into the school community

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Talk with your child about your family story. You can talk about:
      • Who is in your family
      • Your ancestors-
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  • Geography Explorer

    Your Child Will Learn

    To notice geographical features in your community

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose a natural landmark near your community to visit (like: rivers, ponds, mountains, valleys, oceans, caves, waterfalls, parks, forests, etc.). Bring snacks, clothes for outdoor
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  • Geography Adventure

    Your Child Will Learn

    About natural landmarks in your community

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Choose a natural landmark near your community to visit (like: rivers, ponds, mountains, valleys, oceans, caves, waterfalls, parks, forests, etc.). Bring snacks and clothes for outdoor
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  • Community History Expert

    Your Child Will Learn

    More about where they live and how it has changed over time

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Together with your child, brainstorm someone you know who has lived in your community for a long time. It could
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  • Make Believe Jobs

    Your Child Will Learn

    About community jobs and money

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Ask your child if they’d like to play bus driver, restaurant, or store.
    2. Set up your props. Examples:
      • Bus: place chairs or pillows in a rectangle for
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  • World Dance Party

    Your Child Will Learn

    People around the world enjoy special music from their cultures, and dancing to that music is fun!

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Using the internet, find music from all around the world. Search songs from your family’s
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  • Heritage Tree Leaf

    Your Child Will Learn

    About their family and their family’s culture and traditions

    Here’s What to Do

    1. Talk about your family:
      • People in your family
      • Traditions in your family
      • Language(s) your family speaks
      • Culture(s) your family belongs to
      • Things your
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