Caring for My Make Believe Pet

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Your Child Will Learn

How to be a helper

Here’s What to Do

  1. Ask your child to pick an animal they’d like to pretend to be. They’ll pretend to be the pet and you’ll be the owner.
  2. Ask your child what kinds of things they think their animal needs to stay happy and healthy.
  3. Play “pets.” Model taking care of your new “pet.” Switch roles, so you can be the animal and they can help take care of you.
  4. Tell your child what a great job they did taking care of their “pet.”

Put PEER Into Action


  • Take turns making different animal noises.


  • “Come here, little puppy! Oh, you look like you have too much energy and need to exercise. Let’s play fetch!”
  • “Meow meow. I’m hungry, can you take care of me? Meow meow!”


  • When you’re the “owner,” try to say what you think the “pet” needs.
  • When you’re the “pet,” it’s okay to break character and give your child suggestions for some things they could do to take care of you.


  • Tell your child all the ways they did a great job taking care of their pretend “pet.”

Not Quite Ready

Use a stuffed animal as your “pet,” and practice taking care of the animal together.

Ready for More

Make it a guessing game, see if your child can figure out exactly what you (pretending to be the “pet”) need.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will understand a caregiving role and its responsibilities

Time to Complete

15 minutes

Materials Needed


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