Calm Your Body

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Your Child Will Learn

A way to calm their body before falling asleep

Here’s What to Do

  1. Find a space where you can move. Invite your child to notice how their body feels.
  2. With your child, wiggle your arms and legs one by one. Shake them out in soft circles and wiggles.
  3. Stop wiggling and stand very still. Invite your child to notice what it feels like to be still.
  4. Repeat every night before bed.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Stand facing each other. Feel your feet on the floor and your chest moving in and out. Notice how your body feels.


  • “Let’s shake out our arm first. Can you give it some gentle shakes and wiggles? Can you move it in a slow circle?”
  • “Now we’re going to stand totally still. Can you try not to move any part of your body?”


  • “Now that we’re still, I notice that my hands feel a little tingly. What do you feel in your hands?”
  • If your child has trouble slowing down, play a slow game instead. Have them pretend they’re an ant crawling across the floor with a crumb on their back. They have to move super slowly so the crumb doesn’t fall off.


  • “Does your body feel different than before? How?”

Not Quite Ready

Try doing a silly whole-body wiggle dance, then pausing and being still for a moment. Repeat so your child can feel the difference between being wiggly and being still.

Ready for More

Try a variation: move each arm/leg in big, slow circles to start. Make the circles smaller and smaller until your arm or leg is still.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will know a way to help their body slow down before bed

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed


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