Your Child Will Learn
To find new books they like in a library.
Here’s What to Do
- Go to your local library with your child or children and explore the different sections, floors, or special areas; point out important areas, like the children’s section and check-out/return desk.
- Ask your child what kind of book they might like to check out (younger children may need to be given a list of choices).
- Introduce your child or children to a librarian and explain that they are there to help people find books. Ask the librarian if they can help you find the kind of book your child is interested in.
- Allow your child to choose the book(s) they want to check out. Explain that you’ll need to take good care of the books you borrow, and you’ll need to return them so other children can enjoy them.
Put PEER Into Action
- Take your time to put on your socks, shoes and jackets (if needed) together…now we’re ready to go to the library!
- “What kind of book would you like to take home today? Some ideas are… a book about trains, a book about dinosaurs, or a book about ballet.”
- “Hi, Librarian! This is Sofia and she was wondering where she might find a book about pigs. Can you help us find a book for Sofia to check out?”
- “I noticed you really like the book with the silly bear at home, maybe we should see if they have more of those?”
- Be super excited about the library and your child will likely copy your enthusiasm!
- Does your child seem to know what kind of books they like?
Not Quite Ready
Select the books at the library for your child, focus on exploring the different parts of the library.
Ready for More
Encourage your child to make book selections other people might like (like a sibling, parent, or friend).
As Your Child Masters This Skill
They will learn how to find the books they like at the library, and practice thinking about what they like to read.
Time to Complete
20-30 minutes
Materials Needed
Library card/membership