Learning to Unwrap a Toy

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Your Child Will Learn

Fine motor skills (grasping objects and coordinating both hands together)

Here’s What to Do

  1. While I watch you, place a toy in a piece of waxed paper, newspaper, wrapping paper, or paper bag
  2. While I watch, gently crumple the edges together to seal the paper around the toy. 
  3. Let me unwrap the toy by myself.
  4. Encourage me to help unwrap things throughout the day. For example, let me help unwrap a bar of soap from loosened paper, a cookie wrapped in a napkin, or gifts in wrapping paper.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Sit with me on the floor and give me a smile.


  • “Watch- I’m going to take this ball and put it inside the paper.”
  • “Can you open the package and get the rubber ducky out?”


  • Help me only after I’ve had time to shake, tear, or unwrap the toy and seem like I’m stuck.
  • Share in the excitement of discovering what’s inside, like: “Wow, look what you found!”


  • How did I coordinate my hands to get the object out? Was it simple or tricky for me to get the toy?

Not Quite Ready

Use a toy that makes sound to remind me that there’s something inside the package. Show me the best way to start opening the paper, then let me do the rest.

Ready for More

Try wrapping toys that are smaller or have unusual shapes. Give the paper a twist at the top to make it more challenging.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to unwrap a loosely wrapped object independently.

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed

A toy, paper that can be crumpled (waxed paper, newspaper, wrapping paper, or paper bag)

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