Hugging a Teddy Bear

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Your Child Will Learn

That toys and objects have a function or purpose 

Here’s What to Do

  1. Introduce new toys or household objects and encourage me to use them for their intended purpose. Examples:
    • Toys like stuffed animals, toy phones, balls, blocks, stacking toys, baby doll and doll gear, toy cars, etc.
    • Household objects like plastic cups and spoons, hair brush or comb, clean sponge or dishcloth
  2. Play next to me with a similar toy or object. 
  3. If I use an object for its intended purpose, celebrate my success and confirm what I’m doing out loud.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Sit on the floor with me and give me a hug.


  • Demonstrate what I can do with a similar toy and encourage me to copy you. Like “Stirring, stirring, I’m stirring with a spoon!”
  • “Does the teddy bear need help? Maybe she needs a hug, or a nap? Let’s take care of her!”


  • “That’s right! A cup is for drinking!”
  • If I’m playing with a functional object in a different way, like banging or putting in my mouth, acknowledge my play and also demonstrate its functional use, like, “it’s fun to bang with the brush on the floor!  We can also use it to brush our hair!”


  • Are there some objects I know how to use? Others that I’m still learning?

Not Quite Ready

Keep practicing functional object play with me.

Ready for More

Help me play “house” and other real-life scenarios (like using a child-size broom to play “clean up,” a play tea set to play “restaurant” and a doll to play “parent and baby.”)

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will begin to use more and more objects as they are intended 

Time to Complete

15 minutes

Materials Needed

  • Toys like stuffed animals, toy phones, balls, blocks, stacking toys, baby doll and doll gear, toy cars, etc.
  • Household objects like plastic cups and spoons, hair brush or comb, clean sponge or dishcloth

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