My Family Tree

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Your Child Will Learn

Names and roles of family members 

Here’s What to Do

  1. Ask your child to name as many family members as they can. Write down people’s names as your child lists them.  Include any and all people you and your child consider family!
  2. Work together to create your own tree.  Start by creating a trunk. For each part of the family, ask your child to draw a branch. For each person in that part of the family, ask your child to draw a leaf or fruit.
  3. Write down family members’ names on the leaves or fruits. 
  4. Ask your child how each person is related to your child (aunt, sister, cousin, godpaernt, framily member (close friends who are part of your family circle, etc.). Talk about the different ways that family members are related to each other.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Take a deep breath in and reach up to the sky. Slowly let out the breath and lower your arms to your sides.


  • “Who are the people in our family? Let’s make a list.”
  • “Let’s draw a long branch for our family. Then make 5 big leaves connected to that branch. I’ll write all our names on the leaves.”


  • “I think we’re forgetting a few people. What are your cousins’ names? And who are their parents?”
  • “Let’s think about Abuela. Who is her daughter? Yep, she’s my mama, and I’m her daughter.”


  • “How does it make you feel to think about everyone in our family?”

Not Quite Ready

Focus on your immediate family if it’s too challenging for your child to remember extended family’s names.

Ready for More

Encourage your child to write family members’ names on the tree leaves.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will begin to understand family roles and how they are connected to their family.

Time to Complete

15 minutes

Materials Needed

Family Tree Worksheet (provided by school)

Drawing materials

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