Clean Up Helper

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Your Child Will Learn

How to help their family with chores

Here’s What to Do

  1. Encourage your child to help clean up by putting items away. 
  2. Ask your child to help with simple tidying tasks. Examples:
    • Putting dirty clothes in the hamper
    • Placing toys in storage bins
    • Dropping trash/recycling in the cans
    • Putting shoes or jackets where they belong
  3. Celebrate your child when they put an item in the correct place. Tell your child they’re a great helper.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Give your child a big hug.


  • “Can you be a big helper for Papa? Can you take your socks and put them in the hamper?”
  • “Can you look for all the blocks on the floor and put them in this basket? That would help mama so much.”


  • Help your child learn how to clean up by showing them exactly what item they should pick up, and exactly where they should put it.
  • It’s common for children this age to take something out of a bin as soon as they put it in. Gently correct them, like: “No silly, we’re putting things away, not taking them out. Can you please put that block back in the box?”


  • Thank your child for being such a good helper and tell them how their efforts help the whole family.

Not Quite Ready

For babies who aren’t yet mobile, have them clean up from a sitting position. For example, they can take all the blocks they can reach around them and put them into a basket.

Ready for More

See if your child is able to sort items and put them away with less help from you.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will understand how to clean up

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed

Household items that need to be put away

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