Public Transport Adventure

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Your Child Will Learn

Vocabulary about transportation and their community

Here’s What to Do

  1. Plan a trip for your child to experience riding public transportation, like a bus, train, tram, light rail, or ferry.
  2. Describe all parts of the trip as you experience them. Tell your child where you’re going and how you’re getting there.
  3. If possible, sit near a window. Hold your child so they can look outside. Describe what you see out the window.
  4. Celebrate with your child when you arrive at your destination!

Put PEER Into Action


  • When the vehicle arrives, get down on your child’s level and say “here we go!”


  • Describe where you’re going, like: “We just got on the number 1 bus which goes uptown. We’re going to ride it for 10 stops, and then get off. We’re going from our house to grandpa’s house!”
  • Describe what you see outside, like: “That building there is the library where we read books. Do you see the traffic light? That tells cars where to go.”


  • Follow your child’s gaze. Describe what they’re interested in.
  • If your child begins to be fussy on the trip, try singing to them or playing peekaboo.


  • When you arrive at your destination, tell your child why you liked going on an adventure with them.

Not Quite Ready

While it may not seem like your baby is understanding, by describing the environment you’re helping them learn important vocabulary words.

Ready for More

Show your child a map of your route and let them help purchase tickets.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will understand more about the community where they live

Time to Complete


Materials Needed

Transit ticket

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