Natural Music

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Your Child Will Learn

Music can be made from objects found in nature

Here’s What to Do

  1. Plan a trip to a park, nature trail, open field, valley, or meadow
  2. Find natural objects that can be used to make different sounds, like sticks, rocks, dried leaves, tree trunks, etc.
  3. Listen for natural sounds in the environment like moving water, chirping birds, and insect sounds
  4. Ask your child to arrange a melody by making sounds with natural objects and incorporating the natural sounds from the environment 

Put PEER Into Action


  • Explore the park or trail quietly to notice all the sounds in the natural environment


  • Demonstrate ways to make sounds and melodies like tapping a tree trunk with a stick or clapping 2 rocks together
  • Ask your child, “What sounds do you hear around us? Where are they coming from”?


  • “I’ll start the song with these sticks. You can add on your own rhythm with those stones.”
  • “I like the sound the trees make when the wind blows. What sounds do you think would sound nice with the rustling leaves?”


  • What surprised you about making music in nature?

Not Quite Ready

Help your child experiment with making different sounds using nature objects.

Ready for More

See if your child can copy different rhythms after you demonstrate them.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will begin to recognize sounds different objects make and produce simple musical rhythms.

Time to Complete

10-15 minutes

Materials Needed

Found nature materials (rocks, sticks, crunchy leaves, etc.)

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