World Dance Party

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Your Child Will Learn

People around the world enjoy special music from their cultures, and dancing to that music is fun!

Here’s What to Do

  1. Using the internet, find music from all around the world. Search songs from your family’s culture, or try a search for “world music playlist.”
  2. Have a dance party to the global music!
  3. While you’re dancing, tell your child(ren) more about the place where the music is from. Show your child the place on a map.
  4. Do this for each song on the playlist, and enjoy a musical trip around the world!

Put PEER Into Action


  • Stretch your fingers high up into the sky. Touch your toes. Twist back and forth. Now you’re ready to dance!


  • “We’re going to dance to music from all over the world! This first song is a Cumbia song from Colombia. Let’s dance!”
  • “This is an Afrobeat song from Nigeria. Can I show you where Nigeria is on a map?”


  • “What do you notice about this song? I notice the fast drum beats and the trumpet playing.”
  • “I love your dance moves! What do you like about this song?”


  • “What kind of music was your favorite? Should we listen to more another day?”

Not Quite Ready

Younger children might not be able to understand where the music comes from, but exposure to global musical styles is still great for developing brains.

Ready for More

If your child seems interested in learning more about a particular music style or country, help them learn more by searching on the internet or checking out a book from the library.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will understand that different types of music come from different parts of the world and that dancing is a fun way to move their bodies.

Time to Complete

15 minutes

Materials Needed

A way to play music from the internet

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