Map My Day

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Your Child Will Learn

Map making and how to get places they need to go

Here’s What to Do

  1. Talk with your child about their schedule for tomorrow. Mention the places they need to go, and in what order.
  2. Help them make a map of their day tomorrow. (It’s okay if the directions on the map are not completely accurate.)
    • First, draw all the places they will go. Help them label the places.
    • Next, draw paths between the places. 
    • On the paths, draw how they’ll get from place to place (bus, train, car, scooter, etc.). Label roads and bus numbers (etc.) if you’d like.
    • Help your child write numbers next to each place to show the order in which they’ll visit the places.
  3. Throughout the day that you mapped, take the map with you. Put a mark next to each place to check them off as you go.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Find a place free of distraction before you begin. Try to quiet noises and put devices away.


  • “Let’s talk about your day tomorrow. First you’ll go to school. From school we’ll go to the grocery store. Then after the grocery store, we’ll come home.”
  • “What does your school look like? Can you draw it here on the map?”


  • “School is a tricky word to write. I’m going to write it on this paper over here, and then you can try copying the letters.”
  • “Let me help you draw the path from home to school. First we make a left on 1st Street, then we make a right on Maple and walk 5 blocks. Last, we turn left onto Juniper. Then we’re at school!”


  • “What did you think about having a map of our day today?”

Not Quite Ready

If it’s difficult for your child to draw or label places on their own, you can help draw parts of the map. Talk through what you’re drawing so your child is still involved.

Ready for More

Ask your child to draw directions between two familiar places from memory. Show them what they drew correctly and what is different in real life.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will have a greater understanding of important places in their life and how to travel between them. They will also develop visual-spatial skills and map making skills.

Time to Complete

20 minutes

Materials Needed

Paper and drawing materials

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