Natural Mosaic Moods

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Your Child Will Learn

Mosaic art is an image made of smaller pieces

Here’s What to Do

  1. Fold a piece of paper into 4 equal parts
  2. Give your child a pencil and ask them to draw a face that represents 4 different moods or feelings (Example: happy, sad, scared, surprised)
  3. Gather small natural pieces that can be used for mosaic art, like dry seeds, small pebbles, wood chips, or leaves (put the pieces inside a small bowl or container)
  4. Work with your child to glue the mosaic pieces on top of the lines and shapes on the face drawings 

Put PEER Into Action


  • Sit with your child and make different facial expressions to communicate different moods and feelings 


  • Ask your child, “what do your eyes and mouth look like when you feel…”?
  • Tell your child, “using small pieces to make lines and shapes is called mosaic art”


  • Follow your child’s lead for gluing the mosaic pieces, as there is no right or wrong way to make this kind of art
  • Compliment and praise how your child arranges the mosaic pieces on the drawing 


  • Ask your child, “what other materials could we use to make mosaics”?

Not Quite Ready

Complete your own natural mosaic alongside your child and ask them for ideas

Ready for More

Use sophisticated mosaic materials like tiles, beads, refined stones, and etc. 

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will show an interest for using different materials to create art

Time to Complete

20-30 minutes

Materials Needed

Paper, pencil, non-toxic child-friendly glue, small natural pieces like dry seeds, small pebbles, wood chips, or leaves

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