Sock Puppet Play

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Your Child Will Learn

Create a puppet with art materials

Here’s What to Do

  1. Give your child an old sock and color markers to create a sock puppet
  2. While your child is working, create your own sock puppet alongside them 
  3. Put the sock puppets on your hands and perform a funny play together

Put PEER Into Action


  • Put two socks on your hands and model a funny dialogue between them for your child


  • Ask your child, “will your sock puppet be a person, animal, or something special”?
  • Ask your child, “what colors, lines, and shapes will you draw on the sock for your puppet”?


  • When holding your sock puppet, open and close your hand to model dialogue  
  • Say, “my puppet wants to play with your puppet, what shall we play”? 


  • Ask your child, “what other materials could we use to make more puppets”? 

Not Quite Ready

Work on creating one puppet together before your child creates one on their own

Ready for More

Ask your child to create a family of sock puppets

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will use performative play to express ideas and create unique characters 

Time to Complete

20-30 minutes

Materials Needed

Old socks, color markers

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