Fingerprint Art

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Your Child Will Learn

Create art using their fingerprint as a tool

Here’s What to Do

  1. Use watercolor paints or colored ink pads for this activity
  2. Help your child dip a finger into the watercolor paint or press their finger on the ink pad 
  3. Then help them press their finger onto paper
  4. Give your child a pencil, crayons, or markers to create a person, animal, figure, or object with their fingerprints

Put PEER Into Action


  • Work on a flat surface, free from distractions


  • Say to your child, “your fingerprints are special because no one else’s prints are like theirs”
  • Ask your child, “what can we create with the shape of your fingerprints”?


  • Ask your child, “what lines and shapes can we draw around your fingerprints”?
  • Compliment and praise your child’s artistic choices


  • Ask your child to explain their fingerprint artwork to you

Not Quite Ready

Create a few test prints before asking your child to create a picture 

Ready for More

Create a story with characters made from fingerprints

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will create complex and detailed pictures 

Time to Complete

10-15 minutes

Materials Needed

Watercolor paint, colored ink pads, paper, pencil, crayon, markers

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