Explore A Museum

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Your Child Will Learn

Museums are spaces where people can learn about the things they see and experience

Here’s What to Do

  1. Plan a trip to a child-friendly museum
  2. While inside the museum, tell your child to point to things they like or find interesting
  3. Ask your child questions that will help them to describe what they see and experience
  4. Take pictures of your child during these moments and review them after you leave the museum

Put PEER Into Action


  • Get on eye-level with your child, explain museum behavioral expectations, and give them a hug 


  • Ask your child if they already know what a museum in; if they don’t know explain that it’s a place where people can learn about the things they see
  • When you get to the museum, show your child brochures, maps, and exhibition descriptions to see what grabs their attention


  • Ask your child questions about the size, textures, colors, sounds, smells, and functions of objects you see in the museum
  • Ask your child if they have seen the museum objects before, followed with “when” and “where”


  • How did your child respond to the museum and what grabbed their attention?

Not Quite Ready

Choose 1-2 areas in the museum and avoid making your child see everything

Ready for More

If you missed areas during your first trip to the museum, plan a second trip to spend time in new areas

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will learn to express ideas and perceptions about what they see

Time to Complete

45 min – 1 hour

Materials Needed

Smartphone with a camera, camera

Survey: Tell us what you think!

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