Kitchen Music

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Your Child Will Learn

Different sounds can be created with kitchen objects

Here’s What to Do

  1. Give your baby safe and shatter-proof kitchen objects like light-weight pots, pans, wooden spoons, plastic spoons, plastic spatulas, plastic bowls, and etc. (avoid objects with sharp edges or choking hazards)
  2. Demonstrate using a spoon or spatula to melodically tap on a pot, pan, or bowl
  3. Wait for your child’s reaction and mimic their expression
  4. Give your child the objects and watch them make sounds

Put PEER Into Action


  • Smile and think about the fun you will have with this activity


  • Make a variety of quiet and louder taps – avoid scaring or startling your baby
  • Mimic your baby’s taps, but in a melodic way


  • Try to get your baby to mimic your taps by guiding their hands as they tap on objects
  • Compliment and challenge your baby by saying, “that’s a fun sound” and “can you make this sound” 


  • Was your baby engaged in this activity?

Not Quite Ready

Your baby may initially make really loud sounds and not mimic your taps – this is developmentally appropriate

Ready for More

Try this activity again while playing soft music 

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will learn that sounds can be made when they tap on different objects

Time to Complete

5-10 minutes

Materials Needed

safe and shatter-proof kitchen objects like light-weight pots, pans, wooden spoons, plastic spoons, plastic spatulas, plastic bowls, and etc. (avoid objects with sharp edges or choking hazards)

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