Music All Around Us

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Your Child Will Learn

How to recognize music in the world around us

Here’s What to Do

  1. Begin in a relatively quiet environment indoors or outside.
  2. Walk around and notice the sounds that you hear (birds chirping, horns honking, faucet dripping, dogs barking, fan blowing, etc.). Talk about them as you hear them.
  3. Together: tap, snap, hum, clap to the beat of the sounds you hear. 
  4. Continue identifying sounds and following their rhythm in different ways.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Stretch up to the sky, then reach down to your toes.


  • “I hear the clock going tick, tick, tick. Can you tap your hand on the table every time you hear it tick?”
  • “Tell me a sound you notice. How can we add our own music to it?”


  • Try to give your child the time they need to hear a sound on their own. It may take a while!
  • If your child is having a hard time identifying sounds, ask them to close their eyes. Taking away visual distractions may help them notice sounds more easily.


  • “What kinds of beats did our sounds have? Fast, slow, or in between?”

Not Quite Ready

Practice clapping along to beats from songs.

Ready for More

Encourage your child to try different rhythms to complement a sound.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to identify and recreate different rhythms.

Time to Complete

15 minutes

Materials Needed


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