Your Child Will Learn
Counting and introductory subtraction
Here’s What to Do
- Gather 5 balls or soft objects and a box or basket to throw them in.
- Invite your child to imagine that the balls are a fruit or vegetable. They can pick which fruit or veggie they’d like to use.
- Play the rhyme game below. At the end of each line, toss a ball into the basket and count the remaining balls.
- Repeat the rhyme several times, choosing a different fruit or vegetable each time.
Put PEER Into Action
- Stretch your arms high into the sky and breathe in. Breathe out slowly, counting down from 5.
- “Let’s pretend these balls are fruits or vegetables. What fruit or vegetable would you like to pick first?”
- Fruit and Veggie Picking Rhyme:
- Here are 5 melons, no less and no more. One is picked [toss] and now there are 4. [count the remaining balls]
- Here are 4 melons, as you can see. One is picked and now there are 3.
- Here are 3 melons with nothing to do. One is picked and now there are 2.
- Here are 2 melons, having some fun. One is picked and now there is 1.
- Here is 1 melon, alone and blue. Oops! That melon has been picked too! [toss the last ball in basket]
- Allow your child to toss the ball and take the lead in counting the remaining balls.
- Encourage your child to join in the rhyme. If they can’t remember all the words, pause to let them fill in the numbers: “Here are __ melons… One is picked and now there are __.”
- “Do you know the math word for what it’s called when you ‘take away’ an object from a group?”
Not Quite Ready
Start the rhyme from “3” at first and then build up to 5 over time.
Ready for More
Play with 10 balls- make up your own rhymes for numbers 6-10.
As Your Child Masters This Skill
They will correctly answer ‘subtracting by 1’ word problems.
Time to Complete
10 minutes
Materials Needed
5 balls or other soft objects that can be thrown, a basket or box