Bilingual Word Chart

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Your Child Will Learn

Communication of words in different languages

Here’s What to Do

  1. Cut-out 4-5 pictures from magazines and newspapers or print pictures from the internet (picture examples: water, foods, facial expressions, body parts, animals, etc.)
  2. Glue the pictures onto chart paper or on sturdy cards your child can hold in their hands
  3. Write the name of the picture in English above it and write its name in another language below it.
  4. Use the chart or cards to practice saying the names of the pictures in both English and the other language

Put PEER Into Action


  • Model mouth movements and tongue exercises with your child before beginning this activity to relax the mouth for different pronunciations


  • Talk to your child about places in the world where people speak the language that you have selected
  • Ask your child if they have heard words in this language before and to share words they already know 


  • When saying the words in the other language, point to the pictures and make sure your child can see your mouth and tongue movements so they can repeat your words correctly
  • Your child may struggle with pronouncing words of another language and this is okay! Assure them that it’s not easy learning another language, but with practice they will get better.


  • Ask your child what other words they would like to learn in the language you select

Not Quite Ready

Start with only 2-3 pictures that your child is familiar with and interacts with daily

Ready for More

Add more words to the chart or cards with your child’s input so they can learn new words they are curious about

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will recognize and say the words of the selected language in real situations and scenarios

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed

Chart paper, pencil, cardstock, pictures from magazines/newspapers/internet print-outs

Survey: Tell us what you think!

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