Say Goodnight

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Your Child Will Learn

A routine to help them know it’s time for bed

Here’s What to Do

  1. After you complete your child’s bedtime routine, take a goodnight walk around the room.
  2. Hold your baby, point out objects, and say goodnight to each one.
  3. You can also say goodnight to family members or pictures of family members.
  4. Rock, cuddle or kiss your baby one last time before laying them down for the night.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Cuddle your baby and make eye contact.


  • “Goodnight book. Goodnight teddy bear. Goodnight light switch.”
  • “What should we say goodnight to next? Goodnight changing table.”


  • Try to guess what your baby is looking at, and say goodnight to that object next.
  • Pay attention to cues that your baby has had enough (rubbing eyes, yawning, fussing) and is ready to go to bed.


  • Tell your baby how much you love them and one reason why you love them.

Not Quite Ready

If your baby falls asleep while feeding, try this goodnight routine before they eat.

Ready for More

Encourage your baby to point to items to say goodnight to.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will use the goodnight game as a cue to become ready to sleep.

Time to Complete

5-10 minutes

Materials Needed


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