Fresh Air Feelings

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Your Child Will Learn

A strategy for calming down 

Here’s What to Do

  1. Notice how your body and mind feel.
  2. Head outside, to an area with trees or plants if possible (or open a window and look outside).
  3. Take 5 deep breaths. Feel how the outside air feels going into your nose and lungs. Notice how your body and mind feel now.
  4. After you practice this skill when your child is calm, see if you can try it when they are feeling upset or worried.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Close your eyes and stand still. Notice how you feel.


  • “Is your breathing fast or slow? Are your muscles tight or relaxed? How do your thoughts feel: calm like a fluffy cloud, stormy like a thunderstorm, excited like a party?”
  • “Let’s do 5 deep belly breaths together. Put your hands on your tummy and try to make your hands move when you breathe in and out. Breathe in… breathe out…”


  • “Even if it’s hard to notice a big difference, pausing to breathe can help care for your mind.”
  • “If you’re having a hard time feeling what a deep breath is like, sometimes it can help to move your arms up and down. Reach up to the sky and breathe in, then push your arms down to your sides and breathe out.”


  • What is it about being outside that might make your brain feel more calm? When do you think it might be helpful to go take 5 breaths outside?

Not Quite Ready

Focus on practicing 5 deep breaths together

Ready for More

Ask your child to close their eyes when they go outside and practice noticing sounds, smells, and how the air feels on their skin.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They can use it as a strategy to help regulate big emotions

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed


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