Creature Scavenger Hunt

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Your Child Will Learn

Observing the characteristics of animals and considering how they are similar/different

Here’s What to Do

  1. Head outside to a park, backyard, or other green space. Bring a camera or smartphone if possible.
  2. Search for these (hint: try lifting up rocks or digging to find bugs):
    1. Worms
    2. Ants
    3. Other bugs (ladybugs, beetles, butterflies, etc.)
    4. Birds
    5. Small animals (squirrels, lizards, etc.)
    6. Large animals (dogs, etc.)
  3. If you can, take a picture of each creature you find. If you see more than one kind of each animal (different kinds of birds, etc.), take pictures of each. 
  4. Look at all of your creature photos and talk about similarities and differences you notice. If you had to sort the animals/bugs into kinds of creatures, how would you sort them, and why? (If you don’t have photos, just remember and talk about all the animals you saw).

Put PEER Into Action


  • As you begin, read aloud the list of things you’re searching for. Let’s go find them!


  • “Let me know when you see a bug or animal so I can take a picture! Where do you think we might find some? What if we try digging?”
  • “Pretend you’re a scientist who has to sort these animals and bugs into categories. How would you sort them? How are they the same? How are they different?”


  • If you are having trouble finding the animals on the list, you can do the same activity with plants and trees instead.
  • If your child is stumped about how to sort animals, give them a clue, like: “I’m noticing that all these animals have wings…”


  • Was there anything on the list we couldn’t find? Can we keep an eye out for that the next time we head outside?

Not Quite Ready

If comparing similarities and differences is too tricky, just focus on describing the animals you see.

Ready for More

Repeat this activity in different locations and seasons, and keep a “Creature Album” you keep adding to and looking back to).

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will be able to describe the characteristics of animals and identify similar/different animals.

Time to Complete

20 minutes

Materials Needed

(Optional) Smartphone or camera

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