Shopping Cart Counting

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Your Child Will Learn

How to count 0-3 objects and know that the last number they count equals the total amount

Here’s What to Do

  1. When shopping with a shopping cart or basket, ask your child to keep track of how many items are in the cart.
  2. Before you place any items in the cart, ask: “How many things are in our cart?” (Zero!)
  3. Each time you add something to the cart, ask your child to count the total number of items.
  4. When you get to 3 items in your cart, ask your child to count other groups of 3 (like 3 bananas you’re adding to the cart, or 3 cans on the shelf).

Put PEER Into Action


  • As you begin to shop, turn to your child, smile and announce, “Let’s play a counting game!”


  • “How many things are in our cart now?” 
  • “Let’s count these bananas together. Touch each banana as you count. One, two, three.”


  • “Oops! You didn’t count that can. Try it with me!”
  • “Hmmm… you counted that twice. Let’s go slowly and count each one together, pointing to each thing as we go.”


  • Can your child count to 3 accurately? Keep practicing and the number will get higher and higher!

Not Quite Ready

Practice counting two items instead of three.

Ready for More

Practice counting up to 5 with one-to-one correspondence.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They will count 3 objects with accuracy.

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed


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