Your Child Will Learn
Using positional words to locate an object
Here’s What to Do
- In a store, ask your child to play a game of “I Spy” to help you find items on the shelves.
- When you see an item on your shopping list, give your child hints to help them find it on the shelves. Use a positional word like: above/below, in front/behind, between, next to, inside/outside, over/under, near/far, up/down
- If possible, ask your child to grab the item off the shelf and place it into your cart.
- Repeat!
Put PEER Into Action
- Before you begin shopping for items, make eye contact and tell your child you need their help.
- “I spy with my little eye… the soap we need. It’s next to the soap with the purple box. Can you show me which soap I mean?”
- “I spy with my little eye… a vegetable I’d like to buy. It’s on top of the peppers. Do you spy the veggie I’m talking about?”
- “That’s a good guess, because the mushrooms are near the broccoli. But what veggie is below the broccoli?”
- If your child is having a hard time finding the item, try using a different position clue.
- What was the hardest item to find? Are there any position words your child is still learning?
Not Quite Ready
Try playing the game at home- your child may find it easier to locate items when there are less things go choose from.
Ready for More
Ask your child to select something on the shelf and use direction words to try to get you to guess it.
As Your Child Masters This Skill
They will more easily understand different position words and will use some in their vocabulary.
Time to Complete
5-10 minutes while shopping
Materials Needed