Number Names

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Your Child Will Learn

Words we use to describe the number of things

Here’s What to Do

  1. Throughout the day, use as many number words as possible.
  2. Ask your baby “how many” things there are.

Put PEER Into Action


  • Make eye contact and connect with your baby as you talk.


  • “Aaron, it’s time to put on your two shoes!” 
  • “Imani, how many cars do you see?”


  • When your baby begins to make sounds, put words to their babbling. Like this: “That’s right, I have two eyes, two ears, and one nose!”
  • When you ask “how many,” answer the question for your child.


  • How can I continue to use number words throughout the day?

Not Quite Ready

Even if it doesn’t seem like your baby understands yet, using number names now will help them connect numbers to quantities as they grow.

Ready for More

For older babies, pause and give them a chance to respond to your “how many?” question. They may answer with a number word, but it likely will not be the correct answer.

As Your Child Masters This Skill

They’ll pay attention to number words and may begin to say number words out loud (at first, they won’t use the right word that matches the amount).

Time to Complete

10 minutes

Materials Needed


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